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3 Fun Activities to do with Play-Doh (So you can work!)

3 Fun Activities to do with Play-Doh (So you can work!)

This post has been sponsored by Hasbro. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

There is a good chance that you, like so many of us recently, may have found yourself at home with kids, no childcare in sight and expectations to be just as productive at work. While I believe the whole world is doing their best to be flexible (I mean we can all only do what we can do right??) the reality is work still needs to get done and kids can’t watch 8 hours of TV a day! I decided to team up with Hasbro Toys and Dollar General to share 3 fun activities you can do with Play-Doh as well as to share a few other fun toys to keep your kids creativity and minds engaged while you get some work done! The best part about shopping at Dollar General is that each of these Play-Doh activities below cost $5 or less! 

1.    Play-Doh Birds: You can use any set of Play-Doh for this activity (like the 5 Neon Color or 5 Bright Color sets). We also love to use our Play-Doh Fun Factory to add some fun decorative details. If you have google eyes and feathers in a craft closet they are fun to add in as well. If you don’t have any, don’t worry! Finding leaves in the yard, or cutting out colored construction paper feathers can be an easy substitute and small Play-Doh eyes can take the place of google eyes. For this activity just create one medium sized ball with a smaller ball placed on top for a head. Craft a small beak with a small triangles and then decorate with google eyes, feathers and stripes from the Fun Factory! 

2.    Play-Doh Mini Crazy Cuts Barbershop :  Playing hair salon has become a favorite pass time in our home. This Mini Crazy Cuts Play-Doh set alone kept my daughter occupied for over an hour. She has the best time cutting the hair and making little hair accessories for her “client”. I have been helping her learn how to do a braid which has been great for working on eye hand coordination (along with the cutting!).  

3.    Play-Doh Mini Doctor Drill & Fill: If you have a child who loves to take care of patients this dentist set will keep them busy for a long time! Kids can brush teeth, give braces and drill cavities with this fun set. My daughter thinks it’s especially funny to give a patient brown teeth, then after giving them a good brushing she swaps them out for some pearly white ones! 

Hasbro has a number of other fun toys and games you can find at Dollar General, like Marvel and Power Ranges action figures and Disney Princess dolls, that can also keep kids engaged while you work.  Our family is particularly fond of the Potato Head crew.  They are often at a tea party or on a fun adventure with my girls. My daughter has perfected the “Picasso” look and when I hear an eruption of giggles it lets me know her configuration of appendages is likely on the more creative side. As far as games go, if your short on space or want a game that’s easy to travel with Hasbro’s grab and go games are the perfect size and cost about as much as a latte!

From Play-Doh and dolls, to action figures and games, loading up on a few fun toys from Dollar General to keep your kids engaged while you work does not mean you have to break the bank. You can conveniently shop for all of these great Hasbro toys from Dollar General Every toy listed in this post is $10 or under so you can easily afford to bring home the fun for your kids! 

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